We are overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of Turkey and the vibrant spirit of the sailing community in Göcek. Tip: Let’s escape the November blues! Find a cheap direct flight from Germany to Turkey (check out all the SunExpress direct flights of from Germany to 🇹🇷) and enjoy 25°C sunshine in beautiful Göcek. Sail, swim, play tennis, and indulge in incredible Turkish food.
The seven islands consist of seven small islands off the coast of south west region of the Gulf of Gökova. The beautiful little outlets and areas in between the islands make for an idyllic setting to anchor down and explore. One of the islands known as Kufre, is well worth swimming over to and wandering along its pine clad shores to look for the hidden farmhouses within the forest. No matter where you anchor along this little outlet you will not be disappointed. Along with some splendid coral...
Es hat tatsächlich geklappt. Ich schreie über den Steg: „Youuuu are coming home“ und dann fallen uns Melike und Nejat auf der Victoria endlich in die Arme. Gänsehaut pur! Nachdem die beiden auf unserem Hallberg Rassy - Schwesterschiff North von der Türkei bis nach Australien gesegelt sind, treffen wir uns endlich in ihrem Heimathafen Turgutreis. Unsere Schiffe lagen im Bau nebeneinander in Schweden in der Werft, Melike und ich sind über Social Media seit Jahren in engem Kontakt und sie...