7 things I love about my Instagram community…
Positivity….It’s very rare that someone says something negative about your pics or your work on Instagram. If they don’t like it they just ignore it and like something
else instead.
Support network…Support isn’t always about seeing people face to face these days. It’s knowing someone will be there if you need to share something.
Inspiration and awareness... Instagram is a social network, but more than that it’s a community. People are very positive and encouraging.
Honesty... I sometimes think that people view Instagram as a platform to show off your perfect life. That’s one view and that’s fine. With my experience of Instagram
it’s been about understanding more about people’s everyday struggles and other tough things they’ve gone through. People are sharing an honesty about who they are inn their pictures and
Instastories. Their photo descriptions are bite-sized blog posts. A lot of people are so not trying to be (or want to be) perfect which I love.
Connections…Through some of my favourite Instagram accounts (too many to mention) I’ve discovered other InstaPeeps who inspire me.
Real life friendships … Some gatherings are purely based on your network on Instagram. I have also been lucky to have met some of my fav Insta friends in real life. We
already know something about each other through our photos and our photo write ups. We end up collaborating on our blogs.
Simple, quick & fun: In about 30 seconds or less, you can take a photo, throw a filter (or post the original), and share it with the world. You can also search
Instagram for inspiration using tags.
So what do you love about Instagram? What’s easy about it? Anything you wish could be a bit different or easier on Instagram? Share the Insta love and leave a little
See you another time whether on the blog or over at Instagram.
X Biggi
This goes without saying, but always use your own judgement when socialising online and treat others with respect.